Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sniff Sniff

I have a dry, rattling cough. One that sounds like dead leaves scurrying along a concrete walkway. Hooray for seasonal allergies!! On the up side, Granny did send Grandpa out with a big bowl of vanilla ice cream and homemade chocolate syrup. I feel a lot better now!

Apropos of nothing...

I am currently at work, and have logged on to Sirius radio via the internet connection. Yes, we live in a cultural wasteland, so have I had to resort to satellite radio. It was a Valentine's Day present we bought for us, but as it's installed in my's more mine. But back to the point: when you have Sirius, you can log onto it via internet connection...which I'm doing right now. I'm actually being very bad--a rebel, really--because you're not supposed to listen to music on-line whilst at work. I even had to sign a document saying I wouldn't. But I'm leaving in....14 work days. So I really don't care about the Internet User Policy right now. Because I've been jamming to "Everyday Is Like Sunday" (Morrissey); "Desperate But Not Serious" (Adam Ant); "Strength" (The Alarm); and currently "Save It For Later" (English Beat). I love my Sirius radio...I can have my 80s alternative cheese anytime I like.

And Rachel...."This Monkey's Gone To Heaven" is now playing (Pixies). Tee Hee. Monkeys are funny.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Yes, as a matter of fact, I AM a complete idiot...

Okay, now I know I'm not a super-genius, but it seems to me that if a private investigator in London wants to tell me about a large sum of money to which I may be entitled, they will probably call me on the phone. Or write me a letter. And, perhaps, actually refer to me by my name.

My name is Cynthia Richardson, I am a senior partner in the firm of Mayfair Trust
Management Limited London; Private Investigators and Security Consultants.
We are conducting a standard process investigation on behalf of Hampshire Trust
Plc, Private Bankers.
This investigation involves a client who shares the same surname with you and also
the circumstances surrounding investments made by this client atthe
Private Banking Services arm of the Hampshire Trust Plc. This Private Banking Services
client died intestate and
nominated no successor in title over the investments made with the bank. The essence
of this communication with you is to request you provide us
information/comments on any or all of the four issues below;
1-Are you aware of any relative/relation who shares your same surname and whose
last known contact address was in Brussels Belgium?
2-Are you aware of any investment of considerable value made by such a person at
the Private Banking Services of the Hampshire Trust Plc?
3-Who was born on the 21st of October, 1941?
4-Can you establish beyond reasonable doubt your eligibility to assume status of
successor in title to the deceased?
It is pertinent that you inform us ASAP whether or not you are familiar with this
personality that we may put an end to this communication with you and
our inquiries surrounding this personality.
You must appreciate that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed
information at this point. Please respond to this mail as soon as
possible to afford us the opportunity to close this investigation.
Thank you for accommodating our enquiry.
Cynthia Richardson.
For: Mayfair Trust Management Limited,

Monday, June 06, 2005

I'm a Pretty Princess

OK, I know Adam is going to kill me. I did sort of promise him a little bit that I would not post this picture. I just figured since we are all a little stressed, maybe been a little under the weather.. we could all use some cheering up. This picture makes ME smile, I know Adam would not mind!


Well, I have been working a lot, A LOT. When I get home, I usually collapse from exhaustion. Basically that means I don't have much energy for blogging. Plus I have NOTHING interesting to say, for the most part. I'll try to do better!

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Where are you???

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