Thursday, June 09, 2005

Apropos of nothing...

I am currently at work, and have logged on to Sirius radio via the internet connection. Yes, we live in a cultural wasteland, so have I had to resort to satellite radio. It was a Valentine's Day present we bought for us, but as it's installed in my's more mine. But back to the point: when you have Sirius, you can log onto it via internet connection...which I'm doing right now. I'm actually being very bad--a rebel, really--because you're not supposed to listen to music on-line whilst at work. I even had to sign a document saying I wouldn't. But I'm leaving in....14 work days. So I really don't care about the Internet User Policy right now. Because I've been jamming to "Everyday Is Like Sunday" (Morrissey); "Desperate But Not Serious" (Adam Ant); "Strength" (The Alarm); and currently "Save It For Later" (English Beat). I love my Sirius radio...I can have my 80s alternative cheese anytime I like.

And Rachel...."This Monkey's Gone To Heaven" is now playing (Pixies). Tee Hee. Monkeys are funny.
I am jealous of you and your fancy satellite radio. Although, what kind of police state do you work in where you have to actually SIGN something that states you will not listen to music whilst working?
See, I work for the State, and the State is more interested in making you sign documents that may actually make your work environment more pleasant (thereby making you more productive).

Right now, I'm listening to vintage Duran Duran. (I'd do the whole "D squared" sign, but not sure how to format the font in the "post a comment" box.
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