Monday, June 20, 2005

Patrick's adventures in the Carolinas

Well, I just heard from P-Cat...seems that the Orientation Department at the Belmont, NC HQ weren't ready for fact, they didn't know that he was coming. Slight gap in the communication chain, I think.

But, he did tell me that he did sit with some people, and started his learnin'. He also signed a lot of paperwork, and did confirm that yes, indeed, he was hired. I guess it would have been a pisser if that hadn't been communicated to whomever it needed to be communicated to.

So, at last update, he was about to get on the Interstate, and head to Greenville...where he would get with the trainer person that wasn't supposed to have Patrick until later this week.

We're not sure where he'll be sleeping, either. They were going to reserve the Extended Stay Hotel for Patrick (and later on, me & the kitties) after the Belmont hopefully the Extended Stay place isn't too booked up & they can have a room for him NOW.


It's nice to know that the State isn't the only agency that screws things up. I just hate that Patrick is having to drive back & forth so much, and not sure of so many things : who to meet, what will he be doing, where will he sleep...where is he going to set up the X-Box so that he can continue to fight for his rewards in Crimson Skies....
Here's some more news: Looks like he'll be in the Honeywell plant (Greer) for a bit; there's a buyer who will be leaving, so Patrick will be doing his job for a bit...which isn't exactly what he'd hoped for, but P-Cat seemed to be in good spirits.

They've got him (and in two a room at the Extended Stay place, so he should be set for now. The TV in the room DOES have a port so that he can hook up his X-Box & doesn't have to lug the other TV to the room (and I guess didn't need to buy that adaptor, since I thought that the TV in the hotel room would accept the X-Box plug, but NOOOOO...Patrick didn't believe me. Let this be a lesson to you, kids; the Schmoopie is ALWAYS right.).

He got some beer (can't remember the was the same kind that he had in England (only there it was hand-pulled...), and I tried to convince him to go to the Greek restaurant across the street, but he said he'd rather go sit in the garden & eat worms than to eat without me. Well, not really. But I could hear it in his voice.
Where is Greer in relation to Greenville? I know I can look it up... and probably will end up doing so, but I thought you might know right off. I hate that he is getting jerked around a little. We are enough alike that I know exactly how he is feeling. When I go into a new and scary environment, I like to have everything organized and laif out for me. Not having that brings on a little panic. He is also a remarkable man and will be able to handle all of it, even the little panics, with patience and grace. I don't know if I can describe a man with the word "grace" without pissing him off... but I think he knows what I mean
Sweet Mo' says: Poor poor P-Cat, how awful for him! To expect one thing and get something totally different, poor poor P-Cat! I would probably be scared to death,somebody elses, but still scared! He's very brave to do this without Chauntelle, I feel for him, but remember"What does not kill us only makes us stronger", not sure I really believe that all the time, but hey...I'm trying! Good luck P-Cat!!
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