Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Thrilling Tales Of Science!!!

Captain Matthew Strong set his teeth and strained against the Electromanacles, but to no effect. He was well and truly captured this time, and had little hope of escaping and foiling Lord Korg's evil plot to destroy the Earth with his atomic L.A.S.E.R. beam. Even now, Strong could hear the hum of the L.A.S.E.R. weapon as it completed its primary ignition cycle. Soon, planet Terra would be but ashes and dust, and Korg's dominion over the universe would be complete. Yes, though he had triumphed over evil on numerous occasions, it seemed that here, now, he would meet his first, and final, defeat.

Suddenly, Strong heard an electronic buzzing in his left ear, the sound of his Implant-O-Phone communication device being called. But by whom? He had watched, with his own eyes, as his flagship, the EDC Freedom, had disintegrated into a billion atoms. Yet here, now, he was being signaled on an encrypted Earth Defense Corps frequency. Dare he answer the call?

Matthew Strong blinked his eyes three times, and the Implant-O-Phone activated with a crackle.

"Matt, it's me...please answer," came the familar voice of Delia Quick.
Ooooh!!! A serial! I can't wait until the next episode!! Is Delia a Robot sent to foil our hero's plans? Was she somehow teleported off the ship as it disintegrated? Tune in next time...
Surely the Implant-O phone has caller ID?!?
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